Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day...

Hello! We are so excited to start this new blog/website/business and share it with you. We have been diligently working since 2 o clock pm yesterday and we've gotten so much done already! Don't worry, we will constantly be adding new things and it will only continue to get better.

Right now, we are focusing on getting the photography portion set up but we will be incorporating cooking, baking and crafting into the blog as well. Since I (Natalie) eat gluten free, I will be sharing some gluten free recipes with yall but for those of you who don't have this unfortunate allergy, don't worry! Every recipe we post can be modified to be non-gluten free. Many of my friends have experienced some of my not-so-good gluten free foods so I know that they will appreciate the variety of picking which option suits them!

We would LOVE to thank Sara Krueger for helping us pick our name, The Photo Bakery. Clever right? I knew I could count on this creative mind! She gave us the rough sketch of our logo and she gave us so many great ideas and it was hard to pick but we felt that this one fit us perfectly! Thank you so much, Sara! You are awesome.

Also, a huge thanks to Hillary Coleman for the AMAZING logo. Madison and I were probably no help considering we gave Hillary pretty much nothing to go off of. But she came up with so many great options and we decided to use them all! If you ever need someone to help you with graphic design, Hillary is your girl!

Now for the fun part! We did a small amount of documenting our project. But PLEASE excuse our looks... we've clearly forgotten how to maintain ourselves.

                               One of the perks, we got to hang out with this lil nugget all day!
 Madison hard at work!
 Lots and lots of coffee..

 Seeing a pattern? Madison worked, I played...
 Computers and cookbooks

 If you know Madison and me, then you know we're chocoholics..
 Lookin right...
 Our life.
Big City Life... Our theme song for the past 24 hours! Ha

And last but not least, I gotta thank Madison for putting up with me during this process. She's the one that is technology savvy and knows what she's doing. I, on the other hand, don't know anything about anything and was probably driving her nuts all last night. Thanks Madison for being the best partner ever! :)

*Be sure to check out our Facebook page, Twitter, and website! We are EVERYWHERE*


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